Solar Energy
Solar energy is the largest energy resource in our planet.
Solar energy is the largest energy resource in our planet.
Solar energy is the largest energy resource in our planet. It can be captured and used in many ways, and as a renewable energy source. Solar energy is considered as an important part of our clean energy future.
Solar energy is the largest energy resource in our planet. It can be captured and used in many ways, and as a renewable energy source. Solar energy is considered as an important part of our clean energy future.
Solar energy is a major renewable energy source with the potential to meet many of the challenges facing the world. This valuable source is increasing in popularity because it is versatile with many benefits to people and the environment.
According to the U.S. Department of Energy, the amount of sunlight received by earth in one hour is more than the total energy used to by the entire world for an entire year. Solar is a safe alternative which can replace current fossil fuels like coal and gas for generation of electricity that produce air, water, and land pollution. Use of solar energy will eliminate these unsafe, unclean consequences from using conventional fossil fuels.
Use of solar energy could be considered to be converted in to power by two main ways, first is the PV (photo voltaic) which is generating electricity directly from Sunlight, other way is the solar thermal which is producing hot fluid (water, glycol, oil etc..) or steam and using this heated media to generate thermal power.
Ayvaz produces micro metal bellows for the solar collector connections and combinate systems in order to accommodate the thermal expansion joints within the vacuum piping of the collectors.
We also produce pre-insulated flexible metal hoses (EZ-Flex, EF-Flex, Nano-Flex, Pan-Flex) used for transporting the heat transferring media between the collectors and water heaters for domestic or industrial applications. Meanwhile, we produce special stainless steel serpentine hoses (Boiler-Flex) used for heating drinking water inside the solar water heaters
Ayvaz offers different types of products for Solar Energy.
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